Tuesday, October 22, 2024


The African Crocodile Survey Website is an online tool provided by the IUCN SSC Crocodile Specialist Group with technical support from UNEP-WCMC. It aims to bring together information on crocodile surveys undertaken in Africa over the last 50 years or so, along with the data collected during those surveys, and make it all freely available to researchers. By doing this we hope to help improve the planning of future surveys and increase their potential to produce statistically meaningful information on population status and trends.

By searching this site you can view the location of more than 600 individual surveys that have been made of African crocodiles since 1956. The amount of information on each survey is variable, but as far as possible we provide details and maps of precise survey locations, information on the number of animals counted together with basic survey information and background reports from scientific journals or the grey literature.

This service is available to all researchers free of charge up, but by registering to gain access to the data and information provided we ask you in turn to make a commitment to contribute any new crocodile survey that you may have available – see Terms and Conditions.

The CSG is grateful to Daniela Lainez, Jennifer Phillips Campbell and Jon Hutton (CSG Vice-Chair for Europe) who developed the concept, gathered the data, compiled the database and built the online tool. If the prototype is successful for the three African species the CSG will consider extending its coverage world-wide.

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